Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Create the Car in Motion Effect

Tuturial Name : How to Create the Car in Motion Effect

Resulta final : 

Follow this simple and easy step-by-step tutorial that will take any still image of a vehicle and give it that 100+ mph in motion effect! I was inspired by a many editorial car advertisements and wanted to try it on my own. It was actually a lot easier than I thought, the car in motion effect is a simple and fun photoshop technique.

How to Create the Car in Motion Effect

The photo I’m using for this tutorial is from, big ups for their great car photography and the nice whip! Lets begin by adding the “Spin Effect” to the Rims to get that “rolling” look on each wheel.
Use the selection tool “Elliptical Marque Tool” and select the inside of the rims. I’m just going to select the spokes area to blur out.

How to Create the Car in Motion Effect

Copy and paste your selection to a new layer. Then COMMAND (or CTRL)+ click on the new layer and go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. For the Radial Blur settings, here’s what I’m using: Amount: 30, Blur Method: Spin, Quality: Best. Do this step for all wheels. 

How to Create the Car in Motion Effect
How to Create the Car in Motion Effect

Add a motion blur to the background by duplicating the main photo layer and name it “Motion”. Then, go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Because my photo was taken in a straight horizontal view, I’m going to blur the image 0 degrees and the amount size of 50.

How to Create the Car in Motion Effect

Next, with the “motion” layer selected, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All. Select the brush tool and use a soft feather brush (about the size or 50px) and select #FFFFFF (white) as your active color swatch. Begin brushing the layer to the background and the edge of the around and o the car like so. NOTE: the picture below shows the stokes in red to better Indicate where brush strokes were applied

How to Create the Car in Motion Effect
How to Create the Car in Motion Effect

And for some finishing touches, apply a little lens flare effect to the edge of the car by going to Filter > Render > Lens Flare and using your choice of Lens Type.

How to Create the Car in Motion Effect

That’s it! Download the PSD below to open the native file and see more of how I did it. Thanks for reading and comment and share below if you liked it!