Saturday, August 18, 2012

Design Professional Windows Vista Background

Photoshop lesson,Design Professional Background Like Windows Vista

     Result of Work

Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

    Save  this photo 
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

 Open the photo that you have saved  and choose Blur then ... Gaussian Blur
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

Select also in the picture
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

Now we want to change the color effect in the picture as in the following image
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

Click here Ok or type the address of the impact of color as you like
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

Here you can modify the settings and colors you can follow the images to be the work of a blue color similar to Windows Vista
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

Now we move on to determine the light italics choose the Elliptical Marque Tool
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

then draw a half circle in half the workspace as in the picture
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

choose the brush tool and put the following settings
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

now creat a new layer and then draw a circle on the borders of brushing specific tool selection to become as follows
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

Now we can rotate the light by pressing CTRL + T and then choose Rotate and rotate the shape as in the picture
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

In the same layer, change the type from -Normal To Overlay- 
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

Will now appear as a result of work follows an excellent result
Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

fter preparing spices and supplement.

Another Tutorial By BM TUTS

This Tutorial is Translated by Bm Abdel !